MBT PT-91 M2 (version A1)
- Results of modernization:
l. lncrease fi repower and fi re maneuver possibility
11. lncrease survivability on battlefield
III. lncrease mobility
IV. lmprovement of the crew working comfort and extend mission duration
V. lmprovement in ergonomics
- Chassis:
850-1000[HP] engine with strengthen transmission
Strengthen suspension system
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) withOC-generator up to 10[kW]
Air-conditioning system with independent drive
Extended area protected by reactive armour
Additional slat hull armour
lmprovement of anti-mine protection of the bottom of the h uli
Fire extinguishing and suppression system
with DeuGEN agent
Driver's passive night vision periscope
Driver's day-night drive back camera
Digital electronic supply, eontroi and protection systems
Modernization of auto-leader system
- Turret:
Modernized 125mm main gun/L48 MS-type
2-axis stabilized day-night integrated gunners sight
Commander's day-night panoramie sight
(Hunter-Killer/Killer-Killer mode) integrated
with 12, 7x99NATO module
Digital stabilization system
Digital fire eontroi system
Soft-Kill protection system with smoke grenade launchers
Additional reactive armour
Fire suppression system with DeuGEN agent
Digital internal, external communication system, integrated with BMS system
MBT PT-91 M2 (version A2)
- Results of modernization:
l. lncrease fi repower and fi re maneuver possibility
II. lncrease survivability on battlefield
III. lncrease mobility
IV. lmprovement of the crew working comfort and extend mission duration
V. lmprovement in ergonomics
- Chassis:
1000-1200[HP] engine with automatic transmission,
Strengthen suspension system
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) with OC-generator up to G[kW], with air-conditioning system
Additional reactive armour
Additional slat hull armour
lmprovement of anti-mine protection of the bottom of the hu li
Fire extinguishing and suppression system with DeuGEN agent
Driver's passive night vision periscope
Driver's day-night camera with additional day-night drive back camera
Digital electronic supply, eontroi and protection systems
Modernization of auto-leader system
- Turret:
Modernized 125mm main gun/L48 MS-type or 2A46M-4 type
2-axis stabilized day-night integrated gunners sight
Commander's day-night panoramie sight (Hunter-Killer/Killer-Killer mode)
Commander's passive day-night vision system (emergency)
Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) 12,7x99mm NATO
Digital stabilization system
Digital fire eontroi system
Soft-Kill protection system with smoke grenade launchers
Additional reactive armour
Fire suppression system with DeuGEN agent
Digital interna!, external communication system, integrated with battlefield management system (BMS)